At Rosa Bijoux, we understand that sometimes, despite our best efforts, your order may not fully meet your expectations. That's why we are committed to providing you with a simple and transparent return experience.
If you wish to return your order or if you have received damaged items, you have 14 days from receipt of your order to inform us. Simply send us an email to the following address: , specifying the reason for your return.
Once your return request is received, you have 14 days to return the items concerned. Please note that the return costs are your responsibility.
For your return to be accepted, the jewelry must be returned in its original packaging, complete with all accessories and instructions.
Upon receipt of your return package, we undertake to process your request as quickly as possible. You will then be able to choose between an exchange for new items or a refund .
We ask you to select your earrings and piercings carefully, because in accordance with article L221-28 of the Consumer Code, these items are neither returned nor exchanged for reasons of hygiene.
At Rosa Bijoux, your satisfaction is our priority, and we do everything we can to make your shopping experience as pleasant as possible.